Christmas Red-dy!

Merry Christmas eve, everyone! It's almost that time when all of your gifting decisions may or may not blow up in your face, so drink up that spiked eggnog and brace yourselves! I myself am making the never-ending transit from India to Buffalo as you read this, somewhat comically sobbing and bawling at the sight of every happy traveler en route to join their family, owing to my own delicate state from having just left behind my family in India. Come on Ms.MS, you just have to keep it together until the sight of Kushal at the airport. . .

My holiday paradox aside, let's talk about today's full on, cliché-embracing Christmas outfit! Yesterday's post was my take on an atypical Christmas party look, but I'm well aware that traditions exist for a reason, so here's a truly Christmas red-dy look! I love a good statement sweater for those special occasions in the colder months, and this thrifted off-the-shoulder red one has served me well over the past few years. I paired it with a pretty, blush colored tulip skirt for a simple and sophisticated look. 

Special note for fellow petite ladies: If you're bored of the pencil skirt for formal or special occasions, I highly recommend trying tulip skirts if you haven't already. A layered one such as the one I'm wearing works wonders in accentuating the waist and hip region, but even a more basic tulip skirt (linked below) can be a refreshing feminine addition to both work and play closets.  

A very merry Christmas to all my lovely readers! I hope you each have the most wonderful time with your family and friends. :)

Also, last chance to enter the White Plum giveaway that ends on December 26th! Click here to enter!

As always, thank you for reading!

XO Sushmitha :)

                       Sweater: Thrifted (Similar here)

                       Skirt: H&M (Love this basic version)

                       Belt: Amazon

                       Clutch: Gifted (Similar here)

                       Shoes: Old from India (Similar here)